Monday, 16 March 2015

Colour Combinations

When creating these vibrant and intense visuals colour will play a massive role, colour combination not only attracts but also informs and sets a mood. This will a massive consideration when approaching the designs for my celestial bodies. When thinking about colours I will use colours often associated with space such as reds, yellows, greens and light blues.

These are some basic colour schemes that I could use for my visuals, obviously there wont appear so blocky in the visuals as some may overlap one another or may fade out

I decided to experiment with different geometric styles and colour combinations. The first column features overlapping shapes. The second column features interlocking shapes, no overlap. And the third column features 2 layers of shapes. I think all styles will be utilised in the final book as they create different effects, although not all colour schemes will be used as some dont work. 2,3,8 and 11 have awkward colours that dont sit together well and look washed out.

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