Monday, 16 March 2015

Celestial Bodies

Obviously the main body of the pack will be celestial bodies and information on them. So researching and understanding them is key.

  1. Planets - A celestial body that orbits a star and has enough gravity to round itself out.
  2. Sun - Lumious sphere of plasma held together by its own gravity. Also uses fusion.
  3. Solar System - A series of bodies that orbit a star directly or indirectly.
  4. Binary Systems - Two stars that orbit each other.
  5. Magnetar - Type of neutron star. Emits strong magnetic waves.
  6. Pulsar - Type of neutron star. Emits radio waves and x-rays.
  7. Black Holes - A body thats gravity is so strong even light cant escape.
  8. Nebulae - Cloud of hydrogen, helium and other gases that can span lightyears.
  9. Quasars - Brightest objects in the sky. Early galaxies.
  10. Galaxies - A massive body of stars with black hole at the center.
  11. Supernovae - A star with an incredible amount of mass that has exploded.
  12. White Dwarf - A star whose core has shed its outer layer and is now far denser.
  13. Asteroids - Minor planets. Orbit inbetween Mars and Jupiter.
  14. Comets - An small icy body that heats up once passes close by the sun.
  15. Red Supergiants - In terms of volume they are the biggest known type of star.
  16. Wolf-Rayet Star - The biggest known stars in terms of mass.
  17. Dark Matter - Theorised explanation of what holds galaxies together.
  18. Dark Energy - Theorised explanation of why the universe is expanding.
  19. Cosmic Microwave Background - Thermal radiation left behind after big bang.
  20. Globular Clusters - Group of stars that orbits galatic core.

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